Projects screen

Empty projects screen

In this screen you can manage your projects.

Create a new project

Press the Create new project button.

"Create new project" button

Write a name for the new project.

"Create new project" dialog

And press Start.

Open a project

Press the project you want to open.

Project icon

Rename a project

Open the options menu of the project.

Options menu button

Press Rename. A new dialog will appear.

Write a new name and press Rename.

"Rename project" dialog

Delete a project

Open the options menu of the project.

Options menu button

Press Delete. A new dialog will appear.

Press Delete.

"Delete project" dialog

Export and download a project

Open the options menu of the project.

Options menu button

And press Download.

Upload and import a project

Press the Upload project button.

"Upload project" button

And select from your computer the ZIP file containing the project.

Log out

Press the Log out button:

"Log out" button